Cambridge Gems To Visit

Pottering on the river

If you want to refresh your mind after the conference, go and enjoy time on a canoe and relax. You will see cows, herons and The Mill will make you a drink that you can take with you onto the canoe.

The Blue Ball, Grantchester

Amongst the array of pubs in Cambridge, The Blue Ball, Grantchester provides a simple and high quality foods and drinks.

Reality checkpoint

Standing next to Reality Checkpoint on Parker’s Piece can be compared to standing in London’s Oxford Circus. You can visit here to provide you with a new perspective on reality.

Portugal Place

Walking through Portugal Palace is nice and quiet but full of fascinating history. It is a street through which hundreds of tourists walk through oblivious. It is hidden between Jesus Green and Bridge street displaying perfect flower displays, famous word residence and mysterious origins.

The Centre for Computing History

Although situated geographically apart from Cambridge’s museum circuit, the centre for computing history was established to create a permanent public exhibition telling the story of the Information Age.

A church with a difference

On Jesus Lane, the All Saints’ Church’s has a breath-taking interior which highlights the beauty of Victorian art and design. Light radiated through stained-glass windows, which were designed by leading Arts and Crafts artists, including William Morris, Edward Burne-Jones and Ford Madox.

Cambridge food Park

This location is ideal for foodies to enjoy a variety of different street foods of top-quality operating at regular markets all through the year.